铝型材行业市场发展现状及前景分析 Market development status and prospect analysis of aluminum profile industry 我国现代...
断桥铝门窗的价格参差不齐,该如何选择? The prices of bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows vary, how to choose? 断桥...
断桥铝合金门窗规格很多,主流型材一般有55型,60型,65型,70型,75型,80型。窗纱一体的主流型材一般有80型,95型,100型,108型,125型,135型,150型。 There are ...
断桥铝门窗的价格参差不齐,该如何选择? The prices of bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows vary, how to choose? 断桥...
断桥铝性能: Performance of bridge cutoff aluminum: 1、断桥铝门窗保温隔热性好。采用隔热型材内外框软性结合,边框采用一胶条,双毛 条的三密封形式,关闭严密,...
断桥铝优点: Advantages of bridge cutoff aluminum: 1、降低热量传导:采用隔热断桥铝合金型材,其热传导系数为1.8~3.5W/㎡·k大大低于普通铝合金型材1...